Webzine dal 1999

Luca Pagani

Luca Pagani

Luca Pagani: Luca Pagani (on line exhibition and at the True Love Art Gallery)

SITO/BLOG http://www.myspace.com/paganiluca

Lavodrama Zurich

Lavodrama Zurich

Lavodrama Zurich: (BCORE 2008) : ep di carattere interlocutorio per questa band di Saragozza, dopo il debutto autoprodotto e l’album “It’…

Lachlann (holy Wow)

Lachlann (Holy Wow)

Lachlann (holy Wow): LACHLANN (on line exhibition and at the True Love Art Gallery)

SITE/BLOG: http://www.flickr.com/photos/holywow/


Deanna Wardin

Deanna Wardin

Deanna Wardin: DEANNA WARDIN (on line exhibition and at the True Love Art Gallery)

SITE/BLOG : http://www.flickr.com/photos/14601766@N…

Paola Rivabene

Paola Rivabene

Paola Rivabene: PAOLA RIVABENE (on line exhibition and at the True Love Art Gallery)

Paola Rivabene, nata a Milano nel…

Emilio Carrasco G

Emilio Carrasco G

Emilio Carrasco G: by EMILIO CARRASCO G (on line exhibition and at the True Love Art Gallery)

CONTACTS emilio_carras@terra.com.mx



Soulskinbass: SOULSKINBASS (on line exhibition and at the True Love Art Gallery)

SITO/BLOG http://www.true-love.it/giannamanno.htm


Giovanni Staccone (stax)

Giovanni Staccone (Stax)

Giovanni Staccone (stax): by GIOVANNI STACCONE (on line exhibition and at the True Love Art Gallery)


Experimental Dental School

Experimental Dental School

Experimental Dental School: EXPERIMENTAL DENTAL SCHOOL (on line exhibition and at the True Love Art Gallery)

SITE/BLOG www.experimentaldental.com

Dorothy E Mgz

Dorothy E Mgz

Dorothy E Mgz: doROthy & MGZ (on line exhibition and at the True Love Art Gallery) SITO/BLOG www.myspace.com/mgz124 http://www.mysp…