Webzine dal 1999

Claudio Romeo

Claudio Romeo: CLAUDIO ROMEO (on line exhibition and at the True Love Art Gallery) SITI/BLOG http://www.guzzardi.it/arte/archiviomaila...

CLAUDIO ROMEO (on line exhibition and at the True Love Art Gallery)



Claudio Romeo
V.le Kennedy 144
20050 Villa Raverio (Mi)

- Claudio Romeo

CLAUDIO ROMEO * Graphic designer nato a
Monza nel 1962 dal 2002 attivo nel FUNtastico network
della Mail Art, partecipando a numerosi progetti, tra cui:
SIVIERA simposio 2002,
Festival d’Avignon 2003,
Mail Art ausstellung Hundertwasser 2004,
16th ‘Independent Arts’-Festival “Szjablony”: stencil graffiti, Artist of Fun Traumgebilde/Dream room 2005,
Inoltre e stato presente in molti numeri di “Brain Cell” di Ryosuke Cohen e “Di segni di Sogni” di Claudio Jaccarino oltre che in Friour Magazine, Nada Zero e Pips 2004, BAU#2, ArtePostale!. Ha organizzato alcuni progetti di “Arte postale”: Sign, Dream, Picasso, T-Shirt e Opera & Artista (che vede abbinati i ritratti da lui elaborati e le opere di diversi artisti internazionali della Mail Art), Stamp and Envelope Exhibition. Ma meglio di ogni elenco di partecipazioni, parlano le immagini dei suoi lavori (in massima parte realizzati a computers con, a volte, interventi a collage), dove i riferimenti ai grandi movimenti artistici storici (futurismo, surrealismo, dada) s’inframmezzano citazioni Pop Art, sempre giocando sull’ironia e la fantasia
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CLAUDIO ROMEO * Graphic designer, born to Monza in
the 1962 from the 2002 assets in the FUNtastic network of the Mail Art, participating to numerous call, between which:
SIVIERA symposium 2002,
Festival d’ Avignon 2003,
Mail Art ausstellung Hundertwasser 2004,
16th ‘Independent Arts’ -Festival “Szjablony”: stencil graffiti,
Artist of Fun 2004,
To invade the Invasions.
Moreover and be present in many numbers of “Brain Cell” of Ryosuke Cohen and “DiSegni DiSogni” of Claudio Jaccarino beyond that in riour Magazine, Nada Zero and Pips 2004, BAU#2, ArtePostal!. It has organized some call of Mail Art: Sign, Dream, Picasso, T-Shirt, The Work/The Author , Stamp and envelope Exhibition. But more better than every directory than participation, the images speak about its work (in maximum part realize to you to computer with, to times, collage), where the references to the great historical artistic movements (futurismo, surrealism, dada) citations Pop Art, always playing on the irony and the fantasy.


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