Webzine dal 1999

Pierrick Guigon (pirikk)

Pierrick Guigon (pirikk): PIERRICK GUIGON (on line exhibition and at the True Love Art Gallery) BIOGRAPHIC NOTES My name is Pierrick GUIGON (pseu...

PIERRICK GUIGON (on line exhibition and at the True Love Art Gallery)

My name is Pierrick GUIGON (pseudonym: Pirikk), i’m 19, I’ve never participated in exhibitions but I’m creating for french fanzines and I actually works in a little publishing house.

Pierrick Guigon (Pirikk)

Pierrick Guigon (Pirikk)

SITE/BLOG http://esperiment.canalblog.com

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E’ morto Brian James

Non accenna a diminuire il numero di musicisti conosciuti e amati della scena rock ‘n’ roll mondiale che ci stanno lasciando in questi ultimi tempi.