Webzine dal 1999

The Saint and allkillersnofillers present: The Adventure with the Saint episodi n°44 Judith

The Saint and allkillersnofillers present: The Adventure with the Saint episodi n°44 Judith Il miglior podcast rocknroll del globo terracqueo !!!!

The Saint and allkillersnofillers present:

The Adventure with the Saint episodi n°44 Judith, 3 ottobre 1963

1) The Elastic Band – Spazz (VV.AA – Pebbles vol.1, 1992)
2) Love – The Castle (Da Capo, 1966)
3) Fuck-Ups – One I Had Brother (FU82, 1982)
4) The Deadly Snakes – I’m Leaving You (Ode to Joy, 2003)
5) Registrators – I Call Your Name (Singles, 2001)
6) The Society – You Girl (S/t 7″, 2019)
7) The Killjoys – At Night (Naive, 1991)
8) The US Too Group – I’ll Leave You Crying (VV.AA. – Gravel volume 2, 2005)
9) The Beguiled – Kitten Whit a Whip (Blue Dirge, 1994)
10) The Majority – One Third (VV.AA. – Freakbeat Scene, 1998)
11) Cows – Hitting the Wall (Peacetika, 1991)
12) The Statics – Radio Song (Pinball Junkies, 1995)
13) The Solarflares – You Want Blood (Look What I Made Out Of My Mind, 2002)
14) The Em-Tees – Little Girl (Belle, the Bell of the Ball 7″, 1967)
15) Civic – Wars On Hands Of Time (Taken by Force, 2023)
16) The Plugz – Mindless Contentment (Move 7″, 1978)

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